About Us

Catherine Miller, Career Coach & Corporate Recruiter

HireWorthy was founded by corporate recruiter and search consultant, Catherine Miller. After years of successfully preparing hundreds of job seekers for interviews at major corporations, she developed the HireWorthy targeted and results-oriented approach to career coaching.

Catherine has been a professional in-house corporate recruiter for both IBM and CBRE and knows corporate hiring firsthand. She’s also a successful entrepreneur having owned and operated an executive search firm, Miller Search Associates, and a contract staffing firm, WPPI Staffing.

Recruiters are aware that a simple mistake during an interview or on a resume can sink a candidate’s chances of securing a job offer, despite their qualifications. In today’s competitive job market, it’s even more important that job seekers have an experienced career coach to advise them on job search strategies, resume assistance, LinkedIn profiles and interview preparation.

Reach out to Catherine to schedule a free 10-minute consultation to find out if private career coaching is right for you!

Do you need a private consultation?

Schedule a FREE 10-minute consultation by phone, Skype or Zoom.

(203) 856-0445